The new concept in cleaning  


Dolphyn Clean Borns with the intention of satisfying one imperious need within of the cleaning enviroment in Sinaloa State; Need that results of a total lack of intrest from services providers, for providing a service focused on supervision.

The supervision has come to be a luxury that nobody has wanted to grant properly due to the economic situation we all been throught.

If we consider that the cleaning workers are not prepared, for the most part, to work professionally, they do the cleaning only by habit at the domestic level and not very neat, that is when we should realize that it is necessarily required a higher level of preparation, responsibility and habit of life.

When a client hires a service, he hardly be willing to pay for the supervision because it is expensive. In Dolphyn Clean we have decided to risk a part of our economy, with the intention to achieve our primary objective that drive us to penetrate the cleaning market, which is:



By Contract

With more than years of experience and adding up satisfied clients, our cleaning service by contract in offices defines us.

Couch and Rugs Cleaning

Using the highest technology machinery in hydroextraction and specialized products, we distinguish ourselves for been the best Company in the región in terms of cleaning services.
Floor Washing and Polishing

Using high technology polishers and crystallizing with high speed machines, the floors of your house or office will look always like new. Forget about the annoying stains caused by footsteps, in Dolphyn Clean we teach you the best way to take care of your recent polish floor.
Inside and Outside Car Wash

In order to maintain impeccable that important investment for a longer time, it is vital to take care both the outside and the inside.
Cisterns washing and sanitizing

The health of your family comes first and is important to be protected from the first drop.
General Cleaning

Cleaning your house it is not a simple task, if you just bought your house, or rented, you want to sell it o rent it or simply you just live in it, it is important to give a perfect impression.
Dupont's Teflon application

After cleaning your couches, rugs or car, we recommend you to assure the duration of the cleaning with this excelent product.

Dolphyn Clean is the only Company in Sinaloa with the exclusive autorization from DuPont to apply Teflon.

Do not be deceived, there is only one Teflon and it is from DuPont! The other products are imitations and damage their fabrics.



Call, visit or send us an e-mail.
669 981 6096
 Papagayo Street 607. Col. Ferrocarrilera, C.P. 82013
667 712 5505
 Constitución street 140 Ote. Col. Miguel Aleman, C.P. 80200
 Los Mochis
668 817 1777
 Río Fuerte boulevard 378 North Col. Scally, C.P. 81240
 La Paz
612 129 4900
 5 de Febrero Boulevard Local 4 Col. Centro C.P. 23000
Join our team, we offer all the benefits (social security, infonavit, fonacot, afore, etc) from the first day of work.
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